Like diamonds, the precious tiffany jewelry need to be cleaned to maintain their original brilliance and luster. Many variables in our surrounding can dull the shine of precious gems: body lotion, perfume, hairspray, perspiration, or just simply, normal everyday wear.
A convenient way to clean your tiffany jewelry is to use a small brushing device with soft bristles (preferably a toothbrush), along with warm to hot water mixed with a mild liquid dishwashing detergent (such as the brand, Joy), and brush as well as possible to remove any scum build-up.
Then, rinse well in warm to hot water, pat dry with a clean cloth, and take a look. If more cleaning is needed, soak the jewelry piece in hot water, with about 1/3 detergent to 2/3 hot water. (The mix is not critical.) Then, just brush again. When you have done cleaning your jewelry, be sure to dry it well so to keep its brilliant shine.
Avoid exposing your tiffany jewelry to abrasive substances such as household chemicals when cleaning with bleach or ammonia, or when swimming in chlorinated water, as these chemicals can damage your jewelry. Although most abrasive cleansers will not damage some part of tiffany jewelry, they will, however, take the lustrous shine off the metal in which the stone is set.
So if for some reason you cannot remove the dirt off your tiffany jewelry, take it to a jeweler and give it a high-pressure steam clean, as would be done to a diamond. This will remove almost any scum off your jewelry.
When we clean a customer's jewelry and inspect it for wear, and loose or missing something else, we find the jewelry needing repair is most often a jewelry piece that has never been cleaned by the owner. Persistent dirt gets between the metal settings and the stones, causing abrasive wear and eventually, perhaps a loose stone.
One of the most basic rules of jewelry care is to apply all lotions, make-up, hair spray, etc. first, before you put on your jewelry. To minimize scratches and other damage, store your jewelry either in a cloth pouch or in a separate compartment in your jewelry box.
Now that you know how easy it is to care for your tiffany jewelry, be sure to clean them regularly; if you wear it everyday, cleaning it once a week is sufficient.
Follow our simple tips on cleaning tiffany jewelry, and you can be certain your jewelry will not only maintain its original brilliance and luster for years to come, but it will continue to sparkle radiantly for you when you wear tiffany jewelry, and show it off!